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Scientific Initiation Studentships – Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Systems

Submission Deadline: 13/05/2024 Closed



A call is open for the award of a Research Initiation Grant, within the scope of the project "ATE - Alliance for the Energy Transition", Agenda 56 - Project C644914747-00000023 by the Resilience and Recovery Plan (PRR-IAPMEI), under the following conditions:

Scientific Area: Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Systems

Admission Requirements:1 scholarship for candidates enrolled in the master's degree in Mechanical Engineering

Workplan: Data collection and processing, as well as the creation in Python of a database of "Embodied emissions" for materials, construction solutions and systems used in building rehabilitation projects.

Applicable Legislation and regulations: Law No. 40/2004, of 18 August (Statute of the Scientific Research Grant Holder), as amended by Decree-Law No. 123/2019, of 28 August; Regulation of Research Grants of IST-ID, available at ; FCT Research Fellowship Regulations, available in and

Workplace: The work will be developed at LARSyS, IN+ - Center for Innovation, Technology and Policy Research, located at Instituto Superior Técnico, under the scientific supervision of Professor Paulo Ferrão.

Duration: The fellowship will last for 6 months and is scheduled to start in June 2024. The scholarship contract may be renewed for a maximum of 12 months, including the duration of the initial contract.

Monthly maintenance allowance: The amount of the scholarship corresponds to € 601.12, according to the table of values of the scholarships awarded directly by FCT, I.P. in the country (, and the mode of payment is the scholarship holder's option by Bank Transfer/Check.

Selection methods: Curriculum evaluation (100%), with possible individual interview for candidates with the best curricular evaluation. In the curriculum evaluation, the following factors will be evaluated: Curriculum (50%) and motivations (50%). After the classification of the candidates, an individual interview may be carried out, in which case the interview will have a weighting of 25% and the curricular evaluation will have a weighting of 75% in the final classification.

Composition of the selection Jury: Professor Paulo Ferrão, Professor Carlos Santos Silva, Professor Patrícia Baptista.

Form of publication/notification of results: All candidates will be notified by e-mail of the Final Result of the Evaluation

Deadlines and procedures for prior hearing, complaint and appeal: After communication of the provisional list of the results of the evaluation, candidates have a period of 10 working days to, if they wish, express their opinion at a prior hearing of interested parties, under the terms of articles 121 et seq. of the Code of Administrative Procedure. A complaint against the final decision may be submitted within 15 working days, or an appeal to the Executive Board of IST within 30 working days, both counted from the respective notification.

Application deadline and form of submission of applications: The call is open from April 29 until May 13, 2024.

Applications must be formalized by sending the following documents: i) Form B1 – Application for Research Fellowship ( ), ii) Curriculum Vitae; iii) certificate of qualifications, if applicable; iv) proof of enrollment in a cycle of studies leading to the award of an academic degree or in a course not conferring such a degree; v) motivation letter; vi) declaration under oath that he/she does not exceed, with the conclusion of the fellowship contract in question, an accumulated period of one year in this type of fellowship, consecutive or interpolated, and has not already been a beneficiary of any other research fellowship directly or indirectly funded by FCT.

These documents should be sent via e-mail to:

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