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Scientific Initiation Studentships in Environment and Energy

Submission Deadline: 21/05/2024 Closed



The Centre for Innovation, Technology and Policy Research (IN+) is looking for candidates for three Scientific Initiation Studentships, within the framework of project Rede de Cidades para Neutralidade Climática (1018P.06493.1.01), financed by national funds of Fundo Ambiental, under the following conditions:

Scientific Area: Environment and Energy

Admission Requirements:

The research initiation scholarships will be awarded according to the following admission requirements:
Profile (a) - 1 scientific initiation scholarship for a candidate enrolled in a Master's Degree in Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering or related areas
Profiles (b) and (c) - 2 scientific initiation scholarships for candidates enrolled in a Master's Degree in Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Energy Engineering and Management or related areas

Required Skills:

  • Profile (a): Understanding of Techno-economic evaluation of nature-based solutions (NBS) implemented in urban environments; Understanding of environmental assessment methods, particularly in assessing the mitigation potential of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from nature-based solutions. This includes understanding life cycle assessment (LCA) methodologies and other relevant environmental assessment techniques; Preference for knowledge of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) tools to map and analyze spatially explicit data related to the potential for implementing nature-based solutions in urban areas.
  • Profile (b): Understanding of Techno-economic assessment of low-carbon mobility products and services implemented in urban environments; Description of good practices in the implementation of low-carbon mobility services; Understanding of energy performance methods and environmental assessment, applied to mobility systems; Preference for knowledge of Python programming and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) tools to map and analyze potential application of low-carbon mobility measures.
  • Profile (c): Understanding of techno-economic evaluation of active and passive energy efficiency measures in buildings implemented in urban environments; Description of good practices in the implementation of active and passive energy efficiency measures in buildings; Understanding of energy performance methods and environmental assessment in buildings; Preference for knowledge of Phyton programming and building energy simulation tools.



Candidates will be integrated into the IN+ Industrial Ecology and Sustainability Laboratory and will participate in the activities of the technical secretariat of Cidades pelo Clima. In this context, the research activities to be developed by the candidates will consist of:

  • Carry out techno-economic evaluation studies of different options for mitigating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for application in urban contexts.
  • Assess the GHG emissions mitigation potential associated with each option investigated.
  • Develop models and methodologies for the cost-benefit and feasibility analysis associated with each option investigated.
  • Map the potential implementation of the investigated options using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) tools and/or Python programming.

Legislation and Regulations: Statute of Scientific Research Fellow, approved by Law nr. 40/2004, of August 18, as worded by Decree-Law nr. 123/2019, of August 28; FCT Regulation for Research Studentships and Fellowships, available on and

Workplace: The work will be developed at IN+ Center for Innovation, Technology and Policy Research of Instituto Superior Técnico, under the scientific supervision of Professor Paulo Ferrão.

Duration: The research fellowship(s) will have the duration of 6 months. It’s expected to begin in begining of June 2024, and may be eventually renewed up to the maximum of 12 months.

Monthly maintenance allowance: According to the values for Research Fellowships awarded by FCT in Portugal (, the amount of the monthly maintenance allowance is € 601,12, being the payment method an option of the Fellow by Wire Transfer/Check.

Selection methods: The selection methods will be the following: Curriculum evaluation (100%), with the possible holding of an individual interview for the candidates with the best curriculum evaluation. In the curricular evaluation, the following factors will be assessed: Curriculum (50%) and motivations (50%). After the ranking of the candidates, an individual interview may be held, in which case the interview will have a weighting of 50% and the curricular evaluation will have a weighting of 50% in the final classification.

Composition of the selection Jury: Professor Paulo Ferrão, Professor Patrícia Baptista, Professor Joana Portugal Pereira.

Announcement/ notification of the results: The final evaluation results will be communicated to all applicants by email.

Deadline: Expression of interest should be submitted by May 21, 2024.

It is mandatory to formalize applications with the submission of the following documents: i) B1 Form – Fellowship application (; ii) Curriculum Vitae; iii) academic degree certificate, where applicable; iv) proof of enrollment at an academic degree course or at a course that does not award an academic degree; v) motivation letter stating the studentships profile the candidate is applying to; vi) declaration on honour that the applicant does not exceed with this contract, including the possible renovations, an accumulated period of one year in this type of studentship, continuously or with interruptions, and has not held any other fellowship directly  or indirectly funded by FCT. 

Applications must be submitted to the email: