Miguel Preto

Doctorate Researcher Technology Management and Policy

Miguel Torres Preto is Associate Professor at Instituto Superior Técnico at the Universidade de Lisboa, where he teaches courses on Strategy and Entrepreneurship, and he is research fellow at IN+, Laboratory of Technology Management and Policy. Since september 2019, he coordinates a new IST master program in Engineering and Management of Innovation and Entrepreneurship - MEGIE.

Between 2013 and 2016, he worked, as an Assistant Professor, in the Faculty of Economics at University of Coimbra, where he had a Gulbenkian Professorship for technology-based entrepreneurship and business development in international contexts.

His research work led to publications in international peer reviewed journals (e.g. Journal of International Business Studies, Small Business Economics or European Economic Review) on issues concerning the economic impact of entrepreneurship and innovation. He has successfully applied for several research grants in recent years, and his work has been nominated for some awards on international conferences.
He received his Ph.D. in Engineering and Industrial Management from IST, with a thesis about the impact of entrepreneurship on careers and earnings, and both his M.Sc. in Engineering Policy and Management of Technology and licenciatura (5-year degree) in Environmental Engineering from IST.

