Order | Title | Intro | Image | Topic | Author | Button |
1 | MEM+ | MEM+ is a platform that provides Portuguese municipalities with data on Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions between 2008 and 2021, according to the BASIC methodology of the Global Protocol for Community-Scale Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories, supporting the monitoring of GHG emissions. |
background-image:url(/img/projects/gee.tecnico.ulisboa.pt-08102024.png); | GHG Emissions | tools | target="_blank" href="https://memmais.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/" |
2 | MetaExplorer | MetaExplorer is a urban sustainability and socio-economic data explorer and visualization platform that brings together and makes available a national public database on energy and sustainability of the various economic sectors and demand vectors, such as electricity consumption, CO2 emissions, waste management, mobility, buildings, among other indicators. |
background-image:url(/img/projects/metaexplorer.tecnico.ulisboa.pt-08102024.png); | Energy and Sustainability | tools | target="_blank" href="http://metaexplorer.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/" |
3 | Clima Extremo | CLIMAEXTREMO is a platform that identifies, in real time, the buildings that present health risk for their occupants during extreme weather events, such as heat waves or cold waves. This system uses a risk model of increased mortality, based on weather forecasts and health data, from all municipalities in mainland Portugal, crossed with another model that considers the construction characteristics of more than 2 million buildings throughout the country, predicting temperatures inside homes.&l |
background-image:url(/img/projects/clima-extremo2-08102024.png); | Extreme Weather | tools | target="_blank" href="http://climaextremo.vps.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/" |
43 | Cycle of debates: Que Piramide Humana | From October 2 until November 27, 2024, takes place a series of debates on the book "Que Pirâmide Humana?", by Manuel Heitor. |
background-image:url(/img/projects/capa-livro-14102024.png); | Publication | tech-management-policy | href="/projects/cycle-of-debates-que-piramide-humana" |
44 | MetaExplorer: Urban sustainability and socio-economic metabolism explorer | Researchers from the Industrial Ecology and Sustainability Laboratory at IN+ launched an urban sustainability and socio-economic data explorer and visualization platform, called MetaExplorer. |
background-image:url(/img/projects/metaexplorer-21102021.png); | Urban Metabolism | ind-ecology-sustainability | href="/projects/metaexplorer-urban-sustainability-and socio-economic-metabolism-explorer" |
45 | K4P Alliances: Knowledge for People, the Planet and Prosperity through Partnerships | K4P Alliances is a joint venture aiming to stimulate institutional collaboration and initiatives aimed at achieving the goal of carbon neutrality, or "net zero", by 2050, through long-term sustainable pilot projects in Latin America and Africa that foster research and innovation activities with the active participation of local communities. |
background-image:url(/img/projects/k4palliances-21122022.jpg); | Sustainable Development | tech-management-policy | href="/projects/k4p-alliances" |
46 | 25 Years of Innovation, Technology and Policy Research | On the occasion of 25 years of research into innovation, technology and policies, IN+ has published a book on the 25 main achievements over 25 years of research and capacity building, and sample research questions and ideas to help change the world. |
background-image:url(/img/projects/inplus-25years-31102023.jpg); | Publication | publications | href="/projects/25-years-innovation-technology-policy-research" |
47 | Baterias 2030 | The project Baterias 2030 focuses on the development of technologies applied to batteries of the future and their transfer to the urban environment. The project strategic goal is based on disruptive solutions, reliable, sustainable, easily scalable, capable of being integrated throughout the value chain and accessible to the consumer. |
background-image:url(/img/projects/baterias2030-20122021.png); | Energy Transition | ind-ecology-sustainability | target="_blank" href="https://in3.dem.ist.utl.pt/baterias2030/" |
49 | IMPROVEMENT | IMPROVEMENT aims to solve the challenge of integrating renewable energy systems (RE) and energy efficiency (EE) in public buildings (EPs) in the SUDOE region, where due to their application area, the quality and continuity of supply have to be considered as fundamental aspects (Hospitals, Research Centers and Universities, Military Buildings, Transport Stations). These buildings have a high energy consumption in heating and cooling, but also in electrical appliances that are extremely |
background-image:url(/img/projects/improvement.png-20-01-2020.png); | Ennergy Efficiency | ind-ecology-sustainability | href="/projects/IMPROVEMENT" |
49 | RELIABLE | The objective of the RELIABLE project is to develop a public panel with real-time, high-resolution spatial information on the health risks of building occupants during extreme weather events - heat and cold waves. This panel will improve current alert systems in two dimensions: 1) improve current risk forecasting models, integrating new sources of public data processed with machine learning algorithms; 2) increase the spatial and temporal resolution of the warnings. |
background-image:url(/img/projects/banner-13-11-2020.jpg); | Urban Sustainability | ind-ecology-sustainability | target="_blank" href="http://reliable.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/" |
50 | Energy Flexibility Characterization of Net Zero Energy Buildings | FIRST aims to explore Energy Flexibility (EF) in residential and office buildings, assess its potential based on Load Matching calculated at different time-scales, to obtain important insights regarding technical solutions, occupant behaviour, and building control strategies that can contribute significantly to the increase of the EF of NZEBs, on a cost efficient-basis. |
background-image:url(/img/projects/imagem-a-27-06-2018.jpg); | Energy Flexibility | ind-ecology-sustainability | target="_blank" href="http://in3.dem.ist.utl.pt/first" |
51 | Urban Data Repository | Urban environments face several challenges, such as the rising population, high pollution, an increase in unsustainable mobility options, among others. To employ an urban analytics approach plays a crucial role to tackle them. We know now how to measure and store great volumes of data. To utilize the power of these data, we must apply relevant tools and make sense of the results. |
background-image:url(/img/projects/urbandatarepository-08-04-2019.jpg); | Urban Sustainability | ind-ecology-sustainability | target="_blank" href="https://inmais.github.io/UApage/data.html" |
52 | Future of Work and the Fourth Industrial Revolution | The fourth industrial revolution has implications in all parts of the economy and involves technologies from various fields. Various researchers at Técnico and other institutes work to insights related to the future of work in the 4IR. With the initiative on the Future of Work and the Fourth Industrial revolution allows us to join forces on this topic and create better insights! |
background-image:url(/img/projects/imagem1-27-06-2018.jpg); | Industrial Revolution | tech-management-policy | target="_blank" href="http://in3.dem.ist.utl.pt/initiative4ir/" |
53 | Sharing Cities | The Sharing Cities ‘lighthouse’ programme makes way for a better, common approach to smart cities. It fosters international collaboration between industry and cities to develop affordable, integrated, commercial-scale smart city solutions with high market potential. Some key areas in the project include buildings retrofit, sustainable energy management systems, mobility and the installation of a monitoring and evaluation platform. |
background-image:url(/img/projects/sharing-cities-13-12-2017.jpg); | Urban Sustainability | ind-ecology-sustainability | target="_blank" href="http://www.sharingcities.eu/" |
54 | Doctoral Program on Sustainable Energy Systems | The Sustainable Energy Systems Doctoral Program (SES PhD) was launched in 2006 and considers a three- to four-year degree jointly offered at each of the Portuguese Institutions participating in the program. The program's goal is to use a multi-disciplinary approach to educate a new generation of sustainability-aware leaders with expertise in energy systems and economics. |
background-image:url(/img/projects/phd_ses-19-12-2017.jpg); | Doctoral Program | advanced-training | target="_blank" href="http://in3.dem.ist.utl.pt/ses/" |
55 | Galp 21 | GALP 21 completed its 11th edition in 2017 and is considered the largest programme for energy efficiency research in Portugal. The programme is based on a shared mentoring system between Galp (the client manager), the client company and the university concerned. The studies’ accomplishment of is followed up by Galp, with the objective of contributing to its materialisation into specific energy efficiency projects in its clients. |
background-image:url(/img/projects/galp-19-12-2017.png); | Internship Program | advanced-training | target="_blank" href="https://www.galp.com/corp/en/sustainability/our-commitments/energy-and-climate/energy-efficiency/clients-and-partners-working-together/galp-21" |
56 | InnoEnergy MSc RENE at Tecnico Lisboa | MSc RENE joins students from all over the world for two years at two different universities and two of Europe’s leading business schools. After successfully completing the programme and thesis, they receive a Master’s degree from two of the following institutes in the form of a double diploma: IST, KTH, UPC, ParisTech. MSc RENE is a programme accredited by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT).
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57 | CapSEM | CapSEM is a project funded by Erasmus+ for capacity building and knowledge exchange in Sustainability and Environmental Management with partners in India, Nepal and Uganda. CapSEM aims to contribute to the global agenda for sustainable development and help combat climate change and global poverty from a transregional perspective. |
background-image:url(/img/projects/capsem_edit7_20171116-13-12-2017.jpg); | Urban Sustainability | ind-ecology-sustainability | target="_blank" href="https://capsem.wordpress.com/" |
58 | Vulcano | The main goal of Vulcano is to identify solutions and strategies to promote the development of a sustainable energy system in “islanded” energy systems. A modeling tool that tests different scenarios regarding demand, renewable energy share, storage and network capabilities will be developed. The tool will be tested and validated in the case-study of the Terceira Island, in Azores. | background-image:url(/img/projects/leis-proj-geral-13-12-2017.jpg); | Sustainable Energy Systems | ind-ecology-sustainability | href="/projects/vulcano" |
59 | Biogas Diagnosis and Monitoring | Our goal is to advance biogas production and utilization by improving knowledge in strategic spectroscopy technologies and by performing an integrated assessment of the life-cycle pathway of biogas. We participate, with other experts, in the technical commission that studies the normalization of the biomethane to be injected in the grid. We work in close collaboration with Instituto Superior de Agronomia. |
background-image:url(/img/projects/biogas_mon-13-12-2017.jpg); | Sustainable Materials and Technologies | ind-ecology-sustainability | |
60 | ThermoCup | A ThermoCup é uma corrida de barcos, de dimensões máximas definidas, propulsionados por um motor alimentado por uma chama. Com este projeto, pretendemos realçar a natureza multidisciplinar de um problema típico de engenharia, estimular a criatividade, fomentar o pensamento crítico e a colaboração. Geralmente decorre no Externato Marista de Lisboa. |
background-image:url(/img/projects/img6-19-12-2017.jpg); | Science Communication | dissemination-activities | target="_blank" href="http://in3.dem.ist.utl.pt/thermocup/o_que_e_thermocup.html" |
61 | Adoption of emerging technologies | On the verge of the fourth industrial revolution, or industry 4.0, and the increasing automation of the productive process, the project looks at the conditions for adoption of emergent technologies, focusing on two potentially economically disruptive technologies: Metal Additive Manufacturing (MAM) and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in collaboration with three different companies in Portugal. | background-image:url(/img/news/default.jpg); | Management of Technological Change | tech-management-policy | href="/projects/conditions-for-the-adoption-of-emerging-technologies" |
62 | Innoenergy PhD School | Innoenergy PhD School is a complementary education program for PHD applicants doing applied research in the energy field to develop their skills and competences in innovation and entrepreneurship by providing insights into the economy and industrial outlook of the energy field. The Innoenergy PhD School supports PhD sudents studying energy topics, such as smart cities, smart grids, smart buildings, storage, among others. |
background-image:url(/img/projects/phdschool_f-1-19-12-2017.png); | Complementary Education Program | advanced-training | target="_blank" href="http://www.innoenergy.com/education/phd-school/" |
63 | ILASS Europe Newsletters | ILASS Europe has its roots in an initiative of the late Paul Eisenklam, who proposed the institute in 1982 and saw its formation with the first Annual General Meeting (AGM) at UMIST 1983. The institute aims to promote the science and application of liquid atomization and spray systems. In Europe, Ana Moita is the Newsletter Editor. |
background-image:url(/img/projects/ilass_europe2_edit-18-01-2018.jpg); | Sustainable Energy Technologies | dissemination-activities | target="_blank" href="http://ilasseurope.org/newsletters/" |
64 | Masters Program on Sustainable Energy Systems | The SES Executive Masters program was launched in 2006 (with the PhD program) as a one-year program aiming to educate mid-career professionals in energy systems and economics. With a focus on energy system design and analysis, as well as leadership and entrepreneurship, graduates will be at the forefront of sustainable systems development. |
background-image:url(/img/projects/msc_ses-19-12-2017.jpg); | Masters Program | advanced-training | target="_blank" href="http://in3.dem.ist.utl.pt/ses/" |
65 | ICLASS 2018 | ICLASS 2018 is the 14th International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems. Organized by ILASS International, the umbrella organization for ILASS’ European, American and Asian global partners, ICLASS 2018 fosters an environment of engagement, collaboration, and education. |
background-image:url(/img/projects/iclass2018-18-01-2018.png); | Sustainable Energy Technologies | dissemination-activities | target="_blank" href="http://www.iclass2018.org/" |
66 | Lisbon Laser Symposia | Held biennially over the past 34 years, The International Symposia on Applications of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics provides a forum to promote the interchange of new ideas on advanced techniques for flow measurement and its latest applications. More recently, it has started to welcome submissions related to advanced imaging techniques and processing methods that can offer new insights into the complex thermofluid-dynamic phenomena. | background-image:url(/img/projects/logo_laser2018_final_fundobranco-19-12-2017.png); | Conference | dissemination-activities | target="_blank" href="https://www.lisbonsimposia.org/" |
67 | FIRES | This is an ongoing research project with a large international research consortium, funded by Horizon 2020. The project analyses the broader contexts of smart, inclusive and sustainable growth in Europe to support implementation of the Commission’s 'Europe 2020' growth strategy and to restore Europe’s ability to innovate, grow and create jobs over the coming decades. The project is organized into three main t |
background-image:url(/img/projects/fires-13-12-2017.jpg); | Management of Technological Change | tech-management-policy | target="_blank" href="http://www.projectfires.eu/" |
68 | Smart Heat | Smart interfaces should adapt to different situations, often requiring opposite wetting regimes. The micro and nano-patterning is often obtained by a trial and error approach. However, this approach is not much efficient. The link between the wetting regimes and the transport phenomena at interfaces is missing. The work proposed here establishes this link in a new method to design smart interfaces, pliable for precise heat and mass transfer control. |
background-image:url(/img/projects/smart-heat-10-01-2018.jpg); | Sustainable Energy Technologies | lab-thermofluids-combustion-energy-systems | |
69 | E4Value | This ongoing project, involving a very specialised team of around 20 researchers (in Portugal and USA), envisions the assessment of the Portugal aeronautics cluster, focusing on the creation, evolution and strengthening of aeronautics supply-chain; new technologies and human capital. This project is funded by the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program, through the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation (FCT). |
background-image:url(/img/projects/e4value-13-12-2017.jpg); | Management of Technological Change | tech-management-policy | target="_blank" href="http://e4value.net/" |
70 | Suscity | Dispersion of agents producing data at urban level leads to mixed results in applying indicators in different environments and sometimes with little gain in urban performance. This project will advance the science of urban systems modeling and data representation supported by urban “big data” collection and processing. An integrated and application-oriented research approach will be undertaken by focusing on urban interventions in Lisbon. |
background-image:url(/img/projects/suscity-13-12-2017.jpg); | Urban Sustainability | ind-ecology-sustainability | target="_blank" href="http://groups.ist.utl.pt/suscity-project/inicio/" |
71 | Sustainable Management of Lithium | Since Portugal is the unique European country with exploitable lithium reserves, the development and improvement of the technology for metallurgical recovery of lithium is essential and urgent. Moreover, the development of recycling processes for spent batteries will create a complementary knowledge, which could lead to the development of a lithium core industry. |
background-image:url(/img/projects/lithium-batteries-13-12-2017.jpg); | Sustainable Materials and Technologies | ind-ecology-sustainability | |
72 | MOOC | This course introduces the concept of energy services and presents the modeling principles to calculate the energy services requirements to design sustainable energy systems. |
background-image:url(/img/projects/mooc_energyservices-19-12-2017.jpg); | Complementary Education Program | dissemination-activities | target="_blank" href="https://courses.mooc.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/courses/course-v1:IST+esX+2017/about" |
73 | Dinamics | With the miniaturization of devices and the development of advanced micro-fabrication techniques, the technology of energy conversion systems has been extended from macro-scale devices to nano and microscale. From the main challenges in this field, DINAMICS focuses on developing an in-depth understanding of the multiphase/interfacial transport phenomena necessary to achieve the best performance in energy conversion systems.
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74 | Streams of Knowledge | The annual cycle of the Streams of Knowledge conferences are organized in honour of José Mariano Gago. In 2017, the conference instituted the celebration of the National Scientists Day, thus designated by the Portuguese Parliament to commemorate and acknowledge the historic, pertinent and innovative role of the scientific community in the progress and welfare of society. |
background-image:url(/img/projects/banner_streams-of-knowledge-22-12-2017.jpg); | Technology Management and Policy | dissemination-activities | target="_blank" href="http://www.streamsofknowledge.org/en.html" |
75 | MOBINOV | MOBINOV is a platform that brings together knowledge and skill within the automotive industry, in order to promote a growing appreciation of the competitiveness and internationalisation of the sector. The main objective of this association is to transform Portugal into a reference in research, innovation, design, development, manufacturing and testing of the automotive industry's products and services. |
background-image:url(/img/projects/mobinov_newsletter-22-01-2018.jpg); | Sustainable Energy Technologies | lab-thermofluids-combustion-energy-systems | target="_blank" href="http://www.mobinov.pt" |
76 | ShredderSort | ShredderSort aims at further improving existing scrap sorting technologies based on combined electromagnetic and spectroscopic principles, in order to achieve a successful recovery of some different alloy groups in the NF shredder fraction. The concept consists on separating heavy metals by means of advanced multifrequency electromagnetic sensing principles. |
background-image:url(/img/projects/shreddersort-13-12-2017.png); | Sustainable Materials and Technologies | ind-ecology-sustainability | target="_blank" href="http://shreddersort.eu/" |
77 | Innoenergy Renewables Bootcamp | From 2012 to 2016, Renewables BootCamp was a course organized by CC Iberia for PHD students and MSc students to foster innovation in the renewable technologies field. Its goal is to develop renewable energy related prototypes. It is divided in three activities: ideation, 3D prototyping and Arduino Prototyping. The students form groups and develop prototypes, test them and present them in a competitive way. |
background-image:url(/img/projects/innoenergy-19-12-2017.jpg); | Complementary Education Program | advanced-training | |
78 | Spectroscopy Instruments | The work was conducted in a multi-disciplinary context, involving the Departments of Physics, Electronic and Mechanical Engineering and the Portuguese Industry (Sarspec) with the objective of development and commercialize a Spectrometer for the UV-Vis region. To achieve this goal, a joint optimization of the optical components, models of signal interpretation, and control of the CCD signal sensor was developed. |
background-image:url(/img/projects/lab_lasers-13-12-2017.jpg); | Sustainable Energy Technologies | lab-thermofluids-combustion-energy-systems | target="_blank" href="http://sarspec.com/en/Produtos/Spectrometers/SPEC-SENSEmais1/SPEC-SENSEmais-UVVisNIR" |
79 | Knowledge as our Common Future | The conference was established to foster the legacy of José Mariano Gago by engaging government leaders, policy makers and experts worldwide to deepen the intellectual foundations of Science and Technology (S&T) policy with the imperative of building knowledge-based societies in a digital world. It aims to understand and to promote more inclusive open science and responsible S |
background-image:url(/img/projects/encontro-4-homenagem-mgago-22-12-2017.jpg); | Technology Management and Policy | dissemination-activities | target="_blank" href="http://www.knowledgecommon.com/" |
79 | November 2023 | IN+ Newsletter |
background-image:url(/img/news/default.jpg); | newsletters | target="_blank" href="https://sh1.sendinblue.com/3gvdhcchvglpfe.html?t=1699532574" | |
80 | Engenho e Obra | Engenho e Obra – A Engenharia em Portugal no Século XX é um projecto de investigação pluridisciplinar que envolve um grupo alargado de engenheiros, historiadores, economistas, tecnólogos, e tem por objectivo o levantamento das concepções, do pensamento e das realizações que no âmbito da Engenharia aconteceram em Portugal durante o século XX. |
background-image:url(/img/projects/portolisboa-22-12-2017.jpeg); | Science Communication | dissemination-activities | target="_blank" href="http://www.engenhoeobra.net/" |
80 | October 2023 | IN+ Newsletter |
background-image:url(/img/news/default.jpg); | newsletters | target="_blank" href="https://sh1.sendinblue.com/3guo74chvglpfe.html?t=1699456996" | |
81 | September 2023 | IN+ Newsletter |
background-image:url(/img/news/default.jpg); | newsletters | target="_blank" href="https://sh1.sendinblue.com/3gt9mochvglpfe.html?t=1695821455" | |
82 | June 2023 | IN+ Newsletter |
background-image:url(/img/news/default.jpg); | newsletters | target="_blank" href="https://sh1.sendinblue.com/3gt5ez0hvglpfe.html?t=1687787842" | |
83 | May 2023 | IN+ Newsletter |
background-image:url(/img/news/default.jpg); | newsletters | target="_blank" href="https://sh1.sendinblue.com/3gt179ohvglpfe.html?t=1685451889" | |
84 | April 2023 | IN+ Newsletter |
background-image:url(/img/news/default.jpg); | newsletters | target="_blank" href="https://sh1.sendinblue.com/3gssrv0hvglpfe.html?t=1685445477" | |
85 | March 2023 | IN+ Newsletter |
background-image:url(/img/news/default.jpg); | newsletters | target="_blank" href="https://sh1.sendinblue.com/3gsok5ohvglpfe.html?t=1680597336" | |
86 | February 2023 | IN+ Newsletter |
background-image:url(/img/news/default.jpg); | newsletters | target="_blank" href="https://sh1.sendinblue.com/3gskcgchvglpfe.html?t=1676902637" | |
87 | January 2023 | IN+ Newsletter |
background-image:url(/img/news/default.jpg); | newsletters | target="_blank" href="https://sh1.sendinblue.com/3gsg4r0hvglpfe.html?t=1674487110" | |
88 | December 2022 | IN+ Newsletter |
background-image:url(/img/news/default.jpg); | newsletters | target="_blank" href="https://sh1.sendinblue.com/3grif4chvglpfe.html?t=1672921770" | |
89 | October 2022 | IN+ Newsletter |
background-image:url(/img/news/default.jpg); | newsletters | target="_blank" href="https://sh1.sendinblue.com/3gr1kb0hvglpfe.html?t=1666953201" | |
90 | September 2022 | IN+ Newsletter |
background-image:url(/img/news/default.jpg); | newsletters | target="_blank" href="https://sh1.sendinblue.com/3gqt4wchvglpfe.html?t=1664550841" | |
91 | August 2022 | IN+ Newsletter |
background-image:url(/img/news/default.jpg); | newsletters | target="_blank" href="https://sh1.sendinblue.com/3gqghschvglpfe.html?t=1661875062" | |
92 | July 2022 | IN+ Newsletter |
background-image:url(/img/news/default.jpg); | newsletters | target="_blank" href="https://sh1.sendinblue.com/3gqca30hvglpfe.html?t=1658747983" | |
93 | June 2022 | IN+ Newsletter |
background-image:url(/img/news/default.jpg); | newsletters | target="_blank" href="https://sh1.sendinblue.com/3gq3uochvglpfe.html?t=1655290528" | |
94 | May 2022 | IN+ Newsletter |
background-image:url(/img/news/default.jpg); | newsletters | target="_blank" href="https://sh1.sendinblue.com/3gpzmz0hvglpfe.html?t=1652795099" | |
95 | April 2022 | IN+ Newsletter |
background-image:url(/img/news/default.jpg); | newsletters | target="_blank" href="https://sh1.sendinblue.com/3gpr7kchvglpfe.html?t=1650287065" | |
96 | March 2022 | IN+ Newsletter |
background-image:url(/img/news/default.jpg); | newsletters | target="_blank" href="https://sh1.sendinblue.com/3gpmzv0hvglpfe.html?t=1647441105" | |
97 | February 2022 | IN+ Newsletter |
background-image:url(/img/news/default.jpg); | newsletters | target="_blank" href="https://sh1.sendinblue.com/3gpis5ohvglpfe.html?t=1646222395" | |
98 | January 2022 | IN+ Newsletter |
background-image:url(/img/news/default.jpg); | newsletters | target="_blank" href="https://sh1.sendinblue.com/3gpekgchvglpfe.html?t=1643130597" | |
98 | Fluid flow and heat transfer in microchannel devices for cooling applications: Experimental and numerical approaches | In a collaboration between IN+ and the Advanced Engineering Centre (AEC), of the University of Brighton, it was explored the potential advantage of using flow boiling conditions through experimental and numerical approaches. This study proposes flexible and inexpensive microchannel based heat sinks as a game changer for cooling solution of high concentration photovoltaic panels. |
background-image:url(/img/projects/setup-03042023.jpg); | Fluid flow and heat transfer | research-briefs | target="_blank" href="https://in3.dem.ist.utl.pt/docs/projects/research-brief-3-2023-03042023.pdf" |
99 | National core competencies and dynamic capabilities in times of crisis | Did you know that the pre-existence of domestic production capabilities in times of crisis, regardless of its size, can be crucial in situations involving national shortages of safety-critical products? This research explores the importance of domestic industrial capabilities during crises through a comparative case study to the sudden spike in demand for the manufacture of mechanical ventilators brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. |
background-image:url(/img/projects/ventilador-ceiia-atena-19-08-2021-10032023.png); | Technology and innovation policy | research-briefs | target="_blank" href="https://in3.dem.ist.utl.pt/docs/projects/research-brief-2-2023-07032023.pdf" |
99 | December 2021 | IN+ Newsletter |
background-image:url(/img/news/default.jpg); | newsletters | target="_blank" href="https://sh1.sendinblue.com/ae23up1hmdt7e.html?t=1640000886" | |
100 | November 2021 | IN+ Newsletter |
background-image:url(/img/news/default.jpg); | newsletters | target="_blank" href="https://sh1.sendinblue.com/ae11xd1hmdt7e.html?t=1637061645" | |
100 | Can structural changes lead to dematerialization? | Did you know that between 1995 and 2017 the Portuguese economy went through 5 different phases of economic development and material use? And that there was a progressive increase in efforts towards sustainable growth? In this research brief, we analysed a study developed by Sónia Cunha and Paulo Ferrão on the socioeconomic metabolism of Portuguese economy between 1995 and 2017. |
background-image:url(/img/projects/se-metabolism-10032023.jpg); | Socioeconomic Metabolism | research-briefs | target="_blank" href="https://in3.dem.ist.utl.pt/docs/projects/research-brief-1-2023-02022023.pdf" |
101 | October 2021 | IN+ Newsletter |
background-image:url(/img/news/default.jpg); | newsletters | target="_blank" href="https://sh1.sendinblue.com/ae00011hmdt7e.html?t=1634305984" | |
102 | September 2021 | IN+ Newsletter |
background-image:url(/img/news/default.jpg); | newsletters | target="_blank" href="https://sh1.sendinblue.com/adyy2p1hmdt7e.html?t=1631795362" | |
103 | August 2021 | IN+ Newsletter |
background-image:url(/img/news/default.jpg); | newsletters | target="_blank" href="https://sh1.sendinblue.com/ady8sh1hmdt7e.html?t=1629817980" | |
104 | July 2021 | IN+ Newsletter |
background-image:url(/img/news/default.jpg); | newsletters | target="_blank" href="https://sh1.sendinblue.com/adxw5d1hmdt7e.html?t=1629817980" | |
105 | June 2021 | IN+ Newsletter |
background-image:url(/img/news/default.jpg); | newsletters | target="_blank" href="https://sh1.sendinblue.com/adxji91hmdt7e.html?t=1624007295" | |
106 | May 2021 | IN+ Newsletter |
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107 | April 2021 | IN+ Newsletter |
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139 | Analysis of the Climate Basis Laws: a contribution on the theme of Energy [PT] | background-image:url(/img/projects/andreas-gucklhorn-ilpf2euppue-unsplash-08-02-2021.jpg); | policy-briefs | target="_blank" href="http://in3.dem.ist.utl.pt/docs/projects/analise_lei_de_bases_do_clima_inplus_leis-08-02-2021.pdf" | ||
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140 | Potential for Solar Photovoltaic (PV) adoption in Portugal | background-image:url(/img/projects/policybrief_solar_final-10-04-2019.jpg); | policy-briefs | target="_blank" href="/docs/projects/policybrief_solar_final-10-04-2019.pdf" | ||
141 | Evolution stages of aircraft manufacturing firms | background-image:url(/img/projects/20190309_policybrief_ar_full-11-03-2019.jpg); | policy-briefs | target="_blank" href="/docs/projects/20190309_policybrief_ar-11-03-2019.pdf" | ||
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144 | The Effectiveness of Decarbonizing the Passenger Transport Sector Through Monetary Incentives | background-image:url(/img/projects/20181129_policybrief_santarromana-10-01-2019.jpg); | policy-briefs | target="_blank" href="/docs/projects/20181129_policybrief_santarromana-10-01-2019.pdf" | ||
145 | Application of Metal Additive Manufacturing in the Aerospace Sector | background-image:url(/img/projects/20181123_policybrief_martag-11-12-2018.jpg); | policy-briefs | target="_blank" href="/docs/projects/20181123_policybrief_martag-11-12-2018.pdf" | ||
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148 | Industrialisation, Geography and Policy Implications for Aeronautics | background-image:url(/img/projects/20181009_policybrief_anabela_vf-13-11-2018.jpg); | policy-briefs | target="_blank" href="/docs/projects/20181009_policybrief_anabela_vf-13-11-2018.pdf" | ||
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150 | Development of a Portuguese knowledge base in Metal Additive Manufacturing | background-image:url(/img/projects/20181009_policybrief_jm_vf-11-10-2018.jpg); | policy-briefs | target="_blank" href="/docs/projects/20181009_policybrief_jm_vf-25-10-2018.pdf" | ||
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