Order | Title | Intro | Image | Topic | Author | Button |
44 | MetaExplorer: Urban sustainability and socio-economic metabolism explorer | Researchers from the Industrial Ecology and Sustainability Laboratory at IN+ launched an urban sustainability and socio-economic data explorer and visualization platform, called MetaExplorer. |
background-image:url(/img/projects/metaexplorer-21102021.png); | Urban Metabolism | ind-ecology-sustainability | href="/projects/metaexplorer-urban-sustainability-and socio-economic-metabolism-explorer" |
47 | Baterias 2030 | The project Baterias 2030 focuses on the development of technologies applied to batteries of the future and their transfer to the urban environment. The project strategic goal is based on disruptive solutions, reliable, sustainable, easily scalable, capable of being integrated throughout the value chain and accessible to the consumer. |
background-image:url(/img/projects/baterias2030-20122021.png); | Energy Transition | ind-ecology-sustainability | target="_blank" href="https://in3.dem.ist.utl.pt/baterias2030/" |
49 | IMPROVEMENT | IMPROVEMENT aims to solve the challenge of integrating renewable energy systems (RE) and energy efficiency (EE) in public buildings (EPs) in the SUDOE region, where due to their application area, the quality and continuity of supply have to be considered as fundamental aspects (Hospitals, Research Centers and Universities, Military Buildings, Transport Stations). These buildings have a high energy consumption in heating and cooling, but also in electrical appliances that are extremely |
background-image:url(/img/projects/improvement.png-20-01-2020.png); | Ennergy Efficiency | ind-ecology-sustainability | href="/projects/IMPROVEMENT" |
49 | RELIABLE | The objective of the RELIABLE project is to develop a public panel with real-time, high-resolution spatial information on the health risks of building occupants during extreme weather events - heat and cold waves. This panel will improve current alert systems in two dimensions: 1) improve current risk forecasting models, integrating new sources of public data processed with machine learning algorithms; 2) increase the spatial and temporal resolution of the warnings. |
background-image:url(/img/projects/banner-13-11-2020.jpg); | Urban Sustainability | ind-ecology-sustainability | target="_blank" href="http://reliable.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/" |
50 | Energy Flexibility Characterization of Net Zero Energy Buildings | FIRST aims to explore Energy Flexibility (EF) in residential and office buildings, assess its potential based on Load Matching calculated at different time-scales, to obtain important insights regarding technical solutions, occupant behaviour, and building control strategies that can contribute significantly to the increase of the EF of NZEBs, on a cost efficient-basis. |
background-image:url(/img/projects/imagem-a-27-06-2018.jpg); | Energy Flexibility | ind-ecology-sustainability | target="_blank" href="http://in3.dem.ist.utl.pt/first" |
51 | Urban Data Repository | Urban environments face several challenges, such as the rising population, high pollution, an increase in unsustainable mobility options, among others. To employ an urban analytics approach plays a crucial role to tackle them. We know now how to measure and store great volumes of data. To utilize the power of these data, we must apply relevant tools and make sense of the results. |
background-image:url(/img/projects/urbandatarepository-08-04-2019.jpg); | Urban Sustainability | ind-ecology-sustainability | target="_blank" href="https://inmais.github.io/UApage/data.html" |
53 | Sharing Cities | The Sharing Cities ‘lighthouse’ programme makes way for a better, common approach to smart cities. It fosters international collaboration between industry and cities to develop affordable, integrated, commercial-scale smart city solutions with high market potential. Some key areas in the project include buildings retrofit, sustainable energy management systems, mobility and the installation of a monitoring and evaluation platform. |
background-image:url(/img/projects/sharing-cities-13-12-2017.jpg); | Urban Sustainability | ind-ecology-sustainability | target="_blank" href="http://www.sharingcities.eu/" |
57 | CapSEM | CapSEM is a project funded by Erasmus+ for capacity building and knowledge exchange in Sustainability and Environmental Management with partners in India, Nepal and Uganda. CapSEM aims to contribute to the global agenda for sustainable development and help combat climate change and global poverty from a transregional perspective. |
background-image:url(/img/projects/capsem_edit7_20171116-13-12-2017.jpg); | Urban Sustainability | ind-ecology-sustainability | target="_blank" href="https://capsem.wordpress.com/" |
58 | Vulcano | The main goal of Vulcano is to identify solutions and strategies to promote the development of a sustainable energy system in “islanded” energy systems. A modeling tool that tests different scenarios regarding demand, renewable energy share, storage and network capabilities will be developed. The tool will be tested and validated in the case-study of the Terceira Island, in Azores. | background-image:url(/img/projects/leis-proj-geral-13-12-2017.jpg); | Sustainable Energy Systems | ind-ecology-sustainability | href="/projects/vulcano" |
59 | Biogas Diagnosis and Monitoring | Our goal is to advance biogas production and utilization by improving knowledge in strategic spectroscopy technologies and by performing an integrated assessment of the life-cycle pathway of biogas. We participate, with other experts, in the technical commission that studies the normalization of the biomethane to be injected in the grid. We work in close collaboration with Instituto Superior de Agronomia. |
background-image:url(/img/projects/biogas_mon-13-12-2017.jpg); | Sustainable Materials and Technologies | ind-ecology-sustainability | |
70 | Suscity | Dispersion of agents producing data at urban level leads to mixed results in applying indicators in different environments and sometimes with little gain in urban performance. This project will advance the science of urban systems modeling and data representation supported by urban “big data” collection and processing. An integrated and application-oriented research approach will be undertaken by focusing on urban interventions in Lisbon. |
background-image:url(/img/projects/suscity-13-12-2017.jpg); | Urban Sustainability | ind-ecology-sustainability | target="_blank" href="http://groups.ist.utl.pt/suscity-project/inicio/" |
71 | Sustainable Management of Lithium | Since Portugal is the unique European country with exploitable lithium reserves, the development and improvement of the technology for metallurgical recovery of lithium is essential and urgent. Moreover, the development of recycling processes for spent batteries will create a complementary knowledge, which could lead to the development of a lithium core industry. |
background-image:url(/img/projects/lithium-batteries-13-12-2017.jpg); | Sustainable Materials and Technologies | ind-ecology-sustainability | |
76 | ShredderSort | ShredderSort aims at further improving existing scrap sorting technologies based on combined electromagnetic and spectroscopic principles, in order to achieve a successful recovery of some different alloy groups in the NF shredder fraction. The concept consists on separating heavy metals by means of advanced multifrequency electromagnetic sensing principles. |
background-image:url(/img/projects/shreddersort-13-12-2017.png); | Sustainable Materials and Technologies | ind-ecology-sustainability | target="_blank" href="http://shreddersort.eu/" |
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