Order | Title | Intro | Image | Topic | Author | Button |
60 | ThermoCup | A ThermoCup é uma corrida de barcos, de dimensões máximas definidas, propulsionados por um motor alimentado por uma chama. Com este projeto, pretendemos realçar a natureza multidisciplinar de um problema típico de engenharia, estimular a criatividade, fomentar o pensamento crítico e a colaboração. Geralmente decorre no Externato Marista de Lisboa. |
background-image:url(/img/projects/img6-19-12-2017.jpg); | Science Communication | dissemination-activities | target="_blank" href="http://in3.dem.ist.utl.pt/thermocup/o_que_e_thermocup.html" |
63 | ILASS Europe Newsletters | ILASS Europe has its roots in an initiative of the late Paul Eisenklam, who proposed the institute in 1982 and saw its formation with the first Annual General Meeting (AGM) at UMIST 1983. The institute aims to promote the science and application of liquid atomization and spray systems. In Europe, Ana Moita is the Newsletter Editor. |
background-image:url(/img/projects/ilass_europe2_edit-18-01-2018.jpg); | Sustainable Energy Technologies | dissemination-activities | target="_blank" href="http://ilasseurope.org/newsletters/" |
65 | ICLASS 2018 | ICLASS 2018 is the 14th International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems. Organized by ILASS International, the umbrella organization for ILASS’ European, American and Asian global partners, ICLASS 2018 fosters an environment of engagement, collaboration, and education. |
background-image:url(/img/projects/iclass2018-18-01-2018.png); | Sustainable Energy Technologies | dissemination-activities | target="_blank" href="http://www.iclass2018.org/" |
66 | Lisbon Laser Symposia | Held biennially over the past 34 years, The International Symposia on Applications of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics provides a forum to promote the interchange of new ideas on advanced techniques for flow measurement and its latest applications. More recently, it has started to welcome submissions related to advanced imaging techniques and processing methods that can offer new insights into the complex thermofluid-dynamic phenomena. | background-image:url(/img/projects/logo_laser2018_final_fundobranco-19-12-2017.png); | Conference | dissemination-activities | target="_blank" href="https://www.lisbonsimposia.org/" |
72 | MOOC | This course introduces the concept of energy services and presents the modeling principles to calculate the energy services requirements to design sustainable energy systems. |
background-image:url(/img/projects/mooc_energyservices-19-12-2017.jpg); | Complementary Education Program | dissemination-activities | target="_blank" href="https://courses.mooc.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/courses/course-v1:IST+esX+2017/about" |
74 | Streams of Knowledge | The annual cycle of the Streams of Knowledge conferences are organized in honour of José Mariano Gago. In 2017, the conference instituted the celebration of the National Scientists Day, thus designated by the Portuguese Parliament to commemorate and acknowledge the historic, pertinent and innovative role of the scientific community in the progress and welfare of society. |
background-image:url(/img/projects/banner_streams-of-knowledge-22-12-2017.jpg); | Technology Management and Policy | dissemination-activities | target="_blank" href="http://www.streamsofknowledge.org/en.html" |
79 | Knowledge as our Common Future | The conference was established to foster the legacy of José Mariano Gago by engaging government leaders, policy makers and experts worldwide to deepen the intellectual foundations of Science and Technology (S&T) policy with the imperative of building knowledge-based societies in a digital world. It aims to understand and to promote more inclusive open science and responsible S |
background-image:url(/img/projects/encontro-4-homenagem-mgago-22-12-2017.jpg); | Technology Management and Policy | dissemination-activities | target="_blank" href="http://www.knowledgecommon.com/" |
80 | Engenho e Obra | Engenho e Obra – A Engenharia em Portugal no Século XX é um projecto de investigação pluridisciplinar que envolve um grupo alargado de engenheiros, historiadores, economistas, tecnólogos, e tem por objectivo o levantamento das concepções, do pensamento e das realizações que no âmbito da Engenharia aconteceram em Portugal durante o século XX. |
background-image:url(/img/projects/portolisboa-22-12-2017.jpeg); | Science Communication | dissemination-activities | target="_blank" href="http://www.engenhoeobra.net/" |
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