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25 Years of Innovation, Technology and Policy Research 01/02/2018

The Center for Innovation, Technology and Policy Research, IN+, at Instituto Superior Tecnico, University of Lisbon, has been conceived and developed as a space for interdisciplinary research about contemporary issues in innovation, technology and policy, with main applications in engineering, science and society. The research agenda has been oriented to engineering systems, engaging social scientists and scholars in the humanities. In addition, it aims to foster the scientific culture of all those involved in specific research areas, as well as of university students and other researchers interested in discussing challenges and new opportunities for engineering systems and related policy implications. Overall, our goal has always been to provide a pleasant atmosphere for good quality work and a space for free and disruptive thinking.

This book considers the compilation of 25 main research achievements over the last 25 years by researchers of IN+, together with sample research questions for the coming decades. It is intended to showcase IN+ contributions to the sustainable development of our societies and to foster the discussion of an main set of research challenges for the future.

This publication was supported by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT).

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