The IN+ Centre for Innovation, Technology and Policy Research is a cross-disciplinary research venue, acting since 1998 to enhance the integration of scientific research in technology, innovation and public policies, with the final goal of promoting sustainable applications for science, industry and society. See more of our History here.
Institutionally, IN+ operates at Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, and is one of the members of the associate laboratory LARSyS, funded by the National Science Foundation (FCT).
IN+ brings together researchers from various academic backgrounds, who join efforts on the issue of sustainable innovation.
It has grown to integrate competencies in sustainable energy systems and circular economy, technology policy and advanced socio-economic research methods, linking three major research areas, often called Laboratories.
Our Strategy is set to achieve a sustainable society through cooperation with industry and communities and by fostering a scientific and technological culture. We aim to improve the industrial and societal assimilation of knowledge, through an interactive approach that considers the overall value-chains associated with industrial, corporate and social processes.
To complete these goals, we host university students and other international researchers interested in discussing challenges and new opportunities for engineering systems and the related policy implications.
Our vision is the establishment of routine procedures for collaborative product and services development,aimed at: promoting urban sustainability and energy transition towards a carbon-neutral society; increasing product value and quality; reducing development time and life-cycle cost; satisfying the general design requirements of minimum energy consumption, recycling capability and environmental friendliness.
It is this vision that determines our mission as a research centre: IN+ aims to link basic and applied research to technology development regarding issues of sustainable innovation.
Our most recent research aims include to:
Optimize energy processes through research on microscale thermal phenomena and multiscale transport phenomena in energy systems, including interfacial transport in view of enhanced heat and mass transfer, fuel/liquid atomization, lean-combustion, burning biomass and gun-powder under unsteady combustion.
Promote the development of cities, considering a) the complex interactions between people, technology, policy and urban infrastructures, to create “smarter citizens”; and b) the metabolism of urban areas, to support decision-making in energy and waste management networks.
Foster science, technology and industry policies to help increase significantly the export of engineering products and services from Portugal until 2020 by deepening the understanding of new science, technology and business dynamics along the value chain of emerging industries, including aeronautics and the sustainable exploration of the Atlantic.